Those were my thoughts today as I sat back in my reclining medical chair and let a kindly dermatologist zap my face with a laser. That and "Please, Lord, preserve my vision!" Despite closed eyes and tight-fitting metal goggles, I could still see the light that stung my skin.
Why? Rosacea. And it's free treatment, despite costing about £400 in London. I figured the better question was: why not?
I walked away with a bright red, rather swollen face. After ice packs and some prayer, I'm grateful to report that the medical technician was wrong when he said it would take 2-3 days for the sunburn-like redness to leave my cheeks. I'm back to normal this evening.
But my favorite news of the night is that I've officially graduated from Bible school, even if I'm not officially done with all the work. I still have some assignments to complete, but my pastor apparently wanted to demonstrate the concept of FAITH! And if I slack off, he'll hound me like the persistent widow with the unjust judge (Luke 18:1-8)!