Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I'm "Purdy Smart"

My boss went to South Caroline at the beginning of the month and brought me back this peg game. I was really excited because when I was little I would visit my great-great grandma's house and she had a very similar game. The idea is to jump over all the little pegs (like checkers) and if you are really good, you can do it and only have one left.

Last night as I was waiting for hubby to go to work and the kids to go to bed so I could watch my newest obssession, Lost, I got the game out for the first time. I was able to do it with only two pegs left. According to this game, I'm "Purdy Smart".

You can try the online version of this game here. Maybe you can be purdy smart too...and, if you get down to only 1're a genius!



  1. Isn't that the game they have (or used to have) at The Pancake House (or whatever it's called now)? I used to wonder how to play it but never tried it.

    Did you finish Lost?!


  2. The only time I ever go to the Pancake House is when you guys are home and we go...and, wasn't that only one time? LOL!

    No, I'm on Season 3, Disc's slow going in my world. I did watch 1/2 of a show online, but the sceen was so small, and the chair wasn't comfy. I'll do it in a pinch, but I prefer my large screen TV and the couch! :)


  3. We have MVP, which means we can rent three movies (as long as they are not new releases) out at once and we play only $14.99 per month.

    I went to rent Lost last week and the guy told me it doesn't qualify for MVP. I told Dan, he went back and they agreed to give it to me...not sure how he did that..but, he did, and I am grateful!!!! LOL!

