Monday, October 27, 2008

7th-7th Picture Meme

I saw this meme on a random blog and have tailored it a bit: it was the 6-6 meme, now it's the 7-7 meme. Here's how it works: post the 7th picture in your 7th picture folder. That's it! Here's mine:

It was August 2005, two months after Ian was born. This was a hot German day and we had just removed ourselves from the car after a long drive with no air conditioning. I drove Tim to a base outside Frankfurt so he could fly to his "deployment" in Florida. Rough, eh? Well, not for him but it was for me! It was one of the top 3 hardest periods of time in my life. But I survived... and so did all of my kids. So, we're good.

If you decide to participate, leave a comment and let me know.


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1 comment:

  1. Oh my, I bet you wished the whole family could just go live in Florida! Fun pic....I did the 4th of the 4th last week, so it's traveling around!
