Okay girls...it's another random week in Crazyville! Here ya go!
1. If a five dollar bill magically appeared on your door step at the beginning of the day, every day, what would you do with it?
2. Tell us about your favorite teacher from elementary/middle/high school.
3. If you could make one person disappear for good, who would it be?
4. Do you believe in fairies?
5. What era is your favorite for music?
6. Have you ever, or would you ever, have cosmetic surgery?
7. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
Heather's answers:
1. If a five dollar bill magically appeared on your door step at the beginning of the day, every day, what would you do with it? Okay, I'd love to say I'd do something worthwhile with it. I mean, that equals to $730 per year. That's a chunk of change. Reality is that I would probably use it for my daily intake of caffeine.
2. Tell us about your favorite teacher from elementary/middle/high school. I have a two in elementary that really stand out. The first is my third grade teacher, Mrs. Beck. She is the most kind hearted, encouraging, loving person I have ever known. She never yelled. Amanda & Mark were privileged to have her as their teachers as well, and she remains both of their favorites. To give a little clue, when Mark walked into her room in first grade, she got down on one knee, looked him straight in the eye and said to him "Mark, I have been waiting for the moment when YOU would walk into my room". Can you say massive mommy tear jerker moment! The other in Elementary is Mr. Mullen, my sixth grade teacher. He was demanding and loving at the same time. He called me Princess Heatherfern. He has subbed for Amanda and she can't stand him! LOL! In Jr. High, it's hands down Mr. Sperry, or Spud. He was my shop teacher. We had so much fun in his class. I see him sometimes and am always welcomed with a huge hug. High school would be Mr. Kramer. What a kick he was! Not only a close family friend, he was someone you could count on for encouragement and a good laugh in his Social Studies class.
3. If you could make one person disappear for good, who would it be? I have racked my brain trying to think of someone that I really can't stand that much. I can't think of anyone. Okay, well one name just popped in my head, but it's truly terrible, so I'll just leave it at that. I guess on a global perspective I would say someone like Hitler.
4. Do you believe in fairies? I know I'll get a lot of flack for this, but HECK YA! I wouldn't want to imagine life without Gnomes, Fairies and Dwarfs. Did you know that Grizzly Adams lives in the mountains in our Gorge? He does!
5. What era is your favorite for music? 80s...all the way! I love Def Leppard, Guns 'N Roses, Poison, Bon Jovi, Cyndi Lauper, Wham, Journey, Hewy Lewis & The News....well you get the picture. My music tastes vary I loved most of it!
6. Have you ever, or would you ever, have cosmetic surgery? I would love it if someone would offer me a few things. I would love a tummy tuck and a boob job. Sorry, but it's true.
7. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? That is so incredibly hard..that's why I went with it! LOL! Okay, I always thought my name was extremely BORING! I remember in high school wishing I was something cooler like an Emily, Jamie or even a Jennifer (Now that I think about it, those names aren't super exciting either, I don't know what I was wishing for back then). Now that I've rambled for a bit, I think I would love to be a Tyler (yes, for a girl). I remember when I wanted to name my first born girl Tyler, no one in my family went for that at all. It's very different, which makes it cool! :)
Reese's Answers:
1. If a five dollar bill magically appeared on your door step at the beginning of the day, every day, what would you do with it? I have a "squirrel can" hidden away at the back of my underwear drawer. It's where I keep little bits of money I get: the $2 I find in my jeans' pocket, the coins I fond laying around. Occasionally I even empty my wallet of its entire $2-$7 and put it in there. Then I have a few dollars waiting for the numerous times my older kids come into my room when I'm already tucked into bed and say, "Hey Mom, tomorrow's school pictures/popcorn day/school carnival. Got any money?" That's where the $5 would go: to my squirrel money (the money I squirrel away!).
2. Tell us about your favorite teacher from elementary/middle/high school. I guess it would be my mom, just 'cause she was my mom and I'm proud that she's the one that taught me to read, write, and do the very basics of math. I was home schooled for much of my elementary school years. Junior high (that's what we called it back in the day) and high school? Ehh... no one in particular.
3. If you could make one person disappear for good, who would it be? Maybe it's to my shame that I think this one is only hard because I can't choose who it would be. Two young men that torment young women I know come to mind first. I just can't imagine how life could be worse for these ladies if the "men" in their lives disappeared. An ex-boyfriend was once a very unsavory character; if he's still up to his old tricks I'd make him disappear. On the world stage, it would be Robert Mugabe, the Iranian president with the impossible name, or the Venezuelan president. No, definitely Mugabe. He's a thug who's oppressed his own people for way too long.
4. Do you believe in fairies? I wish I could say yes. In my happiest dreams they are real, but only there. I desperately wish they were real and that if I snuck into the deepest parts of the forest I could spy on them! One of my favorite book quotes is “When the first baby laughed for the first time, the laugh broke into a thousand pieces and they all went skipping about, and that was the beginning of fairies” (James Barrie). What a beautiful thought! I do believe in angels, though, and I supposed when you get right down to it, they're cooler than fairies.
5. What era is your favorite for music? Right now. I can hear any kind of music I want, and I love so much of it! Some 80's, lots of 90's, and so many different styles: big band, swing, jazz, some rap, country, rock, classical... it's all right at my fingertips.
6. Have you ever, or would you ever, have cosmetic surgery? Never have, but would consider it. I'd like to have fat removed from my face and neck/chin, a tummy tuck to repair the damage done from pregnancies, a boob lift, and maybe even a nose job. BUT... while aging lengthens my list of complaints, I also am not sure now that I'd be willing to part with the large amounts of money it would take to fuel my vanity. There are far better ways to spend big chunks of cash, with all the orphans and starving families and political upheaval and disease in the world.
7. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to? I have changed my name, sort of. I stopped going by my first name when I was 12, then insisted that everyone use my middle name. Most people still call me Darice, but since moving overseas I've used my nickname Reese. I have a few different names I use as "pen names" and log-on names for various websites. Renee Stuart is one of them, and the name I decided was my nom de plume when I was about 10 years-old! I almost legally changed my name to Faith back in the late 90's. Now my "secret" spiritually meaningful name for myself is Grace.
We can't wait to read your answers as we all get to know each a little better. If you don't have a blog, feel free to answer the questions as a comment to this post. Also, try to make it to a few blogs to check out other posters answers. That's half the fun! Don't forget to leave a comment and sign Mr Linky.
EDIT: Oops. Ladies, since we've had the blog makeover, it seems Mr Link won't work. We'll get right on it and see if we can have it fixed by next week. For now, just leave a comment and we'll find you!
Edit #2: All better!
