Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's Anti-Procrastination Day!

At least in my world it is. Yes, my name is Heather and I'm a PROCRASTINATOR! I've really been convicted of how I need to be a good steward, which means I need to be a good steward of everything given to me...even my job, even when I'm not motivated to do so.

My boss is gone today, which in itself means I will tend to play. But, not today. I hope to have my desk cleaned off (no easy feat) and my filing done (yet another catastrophe!). Today I am turning off the Internet and cranking up the iPod and getting some work done.

Because I'm not going to be online and because I'm going to crank up the iPod, I thought I'd do the iPod shuffle! Here we go!

  1. Dreaming With a Broken Heart by John Mayer
  2. Only One Thing by Todd Agnew
  3. Day Tripper by The Beatles
  4. Take a Little Time by Jeremy Camp
  5. Every Move I Make by Fusebox
  6. The Sweet Escape by Gwen Stefani Feat. Akon
  7. Always There by Todd Agnew
  8. There and Back Again by Daughtry
  9. All In/Mr. Talkbox Interlude by TobyMac
  10. Hype Man (truDog '07) by TobyMac

Okay..I'm off!!!

Posted by Heather


  1. Hope you had a successful day! I should've read this sooner to get motivated. Somethings I never procrastinate about, but others...well, I ALWAYS do.

  2. Yeah its great that you are getting your stuff done, but I am lonely....LOL... Just Kidding... I need to keep my buns in gear too...
