Friday, March 7, 2008

My New Love

I am in love with my Keen shoes. These are not an exact copy of them, but pretty close. I do not spend money on myself but hubby knew how badly I wanted a pair and so for Christmas he bought me some. The only thing was he bought a pair that was 4 sizes too small so that I would have to go back and pick out some for myself. I even ditched Reese at my house by herself in order to get these bad boys.

I wear them everywhere. I used to wear several different pairs of shoes, now these are my only ones. I am sure those around me are getting a little sick of them. I have decided this is one way I can spoil myself....with comfy cool looking shoes. They truly are the most comfortable pair I have ever worn. They are worth the money. So, I am on a hunt...which Keen shoes will I buy next? Hikers...sandals...urban..the list goes on and on :)
Post by Heather
P.S. I am posting this on Friday night before leaving the office because I have no clue if my computer will work this weekend or, read this on Saturday, not Friday :)

1 comment:

  1. I looked up their website and they do have some cute styles. I need some comfy shoes.

    Cute how you told us when to read your post! Good thinking! LOL!

